
Snail on an oak leaf with acorn | Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny | Unsplash

Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash | Wstężyk gajowy i żołądź dębu | Poland

Years ago, I fell in love with the term entelechy while listening to a presentation by Jean Houston, one of the principle founders of the Human Potential Movement.  From Aristotelian metaphysics, entelechy is defined as that which realizes or makes actual what is otherwise merely potential.  

Jean describes entelechy as higher guidance and purpose. 

She illustrates it thusly:  “It is the entelechy of an acorn to be an oak, of a baby to be a grown up human being.”  Yet, words do it little justice, for entelechy is only known in the experiencing of it.  

When our entelechy is activated, “We become actors on the stage of a new story, our personal play a scene in the sacred drama of all times and places. We experience profound joy, a sense of blissful felicity. We enter the domains of the mythic and come face to face with the fullness of what we are.”

Surrounded by the dark fecundity of the earth, the seed lies in wait.  

In darkness the seed sprouts, but it is to the light that it responds.  I think of the entelechy of the seed as a light within, knowing innately to respond to the light without.  Just as the light ignites the entelechy of the seed, so our souls are ignited by a greater light, urging us to fulfill our divine blueprint, to become fully who we are, and who we are meant to be. 

It is my hope that this blog will be a place to explore themes of light and dark, gestating and emerging, and the delights and challenges of being human.  I will include Akashic Records topics, including the role of the Records in gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves as spiritual beings in human form on a journey to healing, wholeness, and fulfillment.

Blessings on the Journey to All.


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The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.


Passing Lights


About an Akashic Records Reading with Energy Evolution / How to Prepare Your Questions